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Identifying 5 Types of Shingle Damage

Damage to your roof is often due to one of two things: Mother Nature just running her course, or your roof showing its age. Either way, it's important to know what type of damage your shingles might be suffering in order to know what next steps you should take.

With Trotter Roofing & Gutters, we're here to make your roofing repair or replacement as smooth as possible. So, if you're feeling the scary effects of a pop-up hailstorm, or just starting to realize it might be time to replace your whole roof, our team is here to help.
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5 Signs Your Roof is Leaking

The last thing you want to find out is that your roof is leaking, and one of the scariest things to wonder when finding a leak is "how long has this been happening?" That's why knowing the signs of a roof leak can be extremely helpful as a homeowner, and can help you prevent further damage. 

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Get Your Gutters Ready for the Fall

As August comes to an end, Georgia's driest season approaches. With much fewer thunderstorms after August, the threat of a random rainstorm lessens for many Georgia homes, making this period a prime time to give your gutters the treatment they need.

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Pressure Washing – DIY or Professional?

 Summertime can often bring out the best in us: soaking up warm weather, backyard barbeques, and evenings spent on the front porch, but that bright summer sun can also shed light on some of the dirtiest parts of our home's exterior.

Maybe your driveway has grown some mold and mildew spots after springtime showers, your deck it is still coated in pollen from earlier in the year, or maybe your home's siding is not looking as fresh as it did when you first had it installed. These are all things that homeowners typically turn to a pressure washer for – the only question is, can I do it myself? Should I call a professional?

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Metal Roofing vs. Asphalt Shingles: Which Should I Choose?

Your roof offers a great deal of protection over your home or business, and the material you choose can make a big impact on all aspects of your roof's ability to do just that. When thinking about roof repair or replacement, it's important to consider the different material types you can move forward with, each with their own benefits that will suit each home or business owner differently.

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Roof Streaking: Time for a new roof?

What are those black streaks on your roof? Dirt? Mildew? Burnout marks from Santa Clause? It actually is algae, gloeocapsa magma to be exact- otherwise known as blue-green algae. So why is it black? This alga actually has a darkly pigmented outer layer that protects it from UV rays, causing those dark streaks on your roof. These little bacteria build up over time as they feed on moisture and calcium carbonate.

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Replacing Windows Doesn’t Have to be a Pane

Found in almost every room of the home, windows are one of the biggest factors in your home's comfort levels and energy costs. Most homeowners know that leaving a window slightly open can lead to a spike in the energy bill, but did you know that over time your windowpanes can become deteriorated and less energy efficient – even if you've never opened them! Knowing what to look for in your windows can not only keep your home looking better but can also keep your utility costs down.

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Summer Roofing Maintenance Checklist

Summer is the perfect time to get out and make some improvements on your house and yard, but is your roof on your to-do list as well? Did you know there are maintenance items that can be done on your roof to help prolong the lifespan? Here's a quick checklist of items you can take care of this summer to help cut down on big repairs later on!

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Identifying Defective Shingles

You may have already read our blog on Discontinued Shingles, but do you know how to identify what shingles you have? Here are a few easy identifiers for Atlas Chalet and CertainTeed Shingles. 

  1925 Hits

Can I Paint My Home’s Exterior?

For many of us, when we think of painting our house, the first thing that comes to mind is painting the interior walls. We find colors that reflect our personalities, our tastes, and the feeling we want our house to evoke. What many people fail to remember though, is that you can do the exact same thing on the outside of your home!

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Roofing 101: When to Repair Vs. When to Replace

Have you ever checked your yard after a bad storm and noticed shingles laying on the ground? Have you ever had a small leak in your ceiling? Have you ever noticed sunspots in your attic when you go to put away your seasonal decorations? Chances are, if you have owned or rented the same home for a while, you've experienced one or more of these things.

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Spring Roof Preparation Checklist

The winter weather is slowly fading into memory as the warmth and sunlight starts to set in. The days are longer, the sun is brighter, and we're noticing the iconic markings of the season start to bloom. Before tackling the sun and rain that comes this time of year, it's in all homeowner's best interest to take stock of the condition of their roof.

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Tips and Tricks to Updating your Historic Home

Historic homes are the gift that keeps on giving. While they're certainly not for everyone, a historic home offers an intangible uniqueness that many new homes don't have. Of course, some of these qualities may mean less efficient windows, smaller rooms, and lower ceilings, but it also means stunning architectural features, quirky frames, and countless stories behind the walls.

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How Has Roof Technology Advanced?

Since the beginning of time, humans have put effort in to making themselves as comfortable as possible. This is just a part of our instinct. Over time, this has evolved into many different facets of what we see today. But what about the homes we live in? Simply put, home structures have evolved for many different cultures. For instance, you'd be hard pressed to find a dirt bungalow with a straw thatched roof in Woodstock, Georgia. So, how exactly have our home-building materials advanced? More specifically, what are some of the latest technology advancements in roofing, and how did we get here?

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An Ultimate Insulation Guide: What Insulation Should I Choose?

Only a percentage of people know that the walls of your home only do part of the work when it comes to keeping you warm in the winter and cool in the summer. The larger part of the equation is one that homeowners rarely see, touch, or even give much time or thought to: the insulation! Insulation is mostly likely found in between the walls of your home, up in the attic, between your ceilings and floors, garages, etc.

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Roofing Materials: Unique Maintenance Requirements

Depending on your wants, needs, and personal taste, you have decided on a roof that checks all your boxes! But what you may not know is that different roofing materials could influence the type of maintenance required. Each material is unique in its composition, so their steps for proper preservation will differ as well. Some material requires little to no maintenance, while others are more subject to damage and will need repairs more often.

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Signs It’s Time for a Gutter Replacement

It's no secret that at Trotter Roofing and Gutters we encourage regular and proper maintenance on your gutters. Maintaining your gutters will increase their longevity and efficiency, but just like most things in your home, there comes a time that they may need a full replacement. Whether you're a new homeowner, or you've been around the block (pun intended), there are certainly things to look out for when deciding when to get your gutters replaced.  

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Your Storm Damage Checklist

There's no stopping mother nature. When you are in the path of her destruction, she can cause some serious problems for your home. Fortunately, there are preventative measures that can be taken. Making sure things like roofs, gutter guards, and chimney caps are properly and securely installed the first time around can help make sure you home stays protected when storms hit.

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Twelve Days of Home Improvement

On the first day of Christmas, Trotter Roofing and Gutters gave to me… home improvement!
The holidays are here and Trotter Roofing and Gutters in Woodstock is ready to embrace the spirit of the season. Your home is your safe space, and that feeling only grows when this time of year rolls back around. Are you thinking of cozy fireplaces, warm living rooms, and the sounds of rain or snow hitting your roof? The last thing you want to worry about is protecting your home from unforgiving winter weather! 
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Pressure Washing: Right and Wrong

Pressure washing is the methodic use of a machined hose that sprays water at a very high pressure. This high-pressure tool is used to clean dirt, grime, mold, algae, and certain stains from surfaces on the outside of your home. Pressure washing can save time and money when it comes to renovations or home improvement! A pressure washer uses 80% less water and has 50% more power than a standard garden hose, making for the perfect clean up device.

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