By Trotter Roofing on Monday, 26 July 2021
Category: Trotter Roofing Blogs

Roof Damage and Insurance: What You Need to Know

No one enjoys making an insurance claim and all of the pains that come with it. However, when it comes to your roof, it's a necessary evil – especially when the damage is extensive. It can be a difficult process, so we have some tips for how to approach your claim as well as some information you may not know about the effect of your roof on your policy. 

How Your Roof Affects Your Homeowner's Policy 

Your house wouldn't feel like much of a home if it didn't have a roof, would it? Your insurance thinks so too – though they view it from the perspective of the amount of damage that could incur if you didn't have a roof or if you had a roof that was old and/or already damaged. If your roof is relatively new and in good shape, your homeowner's policy will likely provide full coverage for a decently low price. On the other hand, if your roof is over 20 years old and has damage, it likely will not be fully covered by insurance and could result in higher premiums. From the perspective of insurance, a roof that's in bad shape is going to result in a lot of damage and that may not be something your insurance company wants to get involved with. 

What's Covered 

Of course, it depends on your insurance policy as to what is covered if your roof is damaged. Typically, damage caused by an act of nature, or a sudden accidental event is going to be covered by your insurance. So, if your roof sustains hail damage, gets damaged by a tornado, or has a tree fall on it, you will likely be covered. Keep in mind, insurance claims can and do get denied. This is likely to happen if the damage sustained is too minor to meet your deductible or if you submit frequent claims. Ultimately, your insurance isn't going to want to cover something if they don't have to, so you will need to make sure to have your bases covered. 

What To Do If You Need to Make a Claim 

  1. Before you make any calls, read over your policy and make sure you're familiar with it. By doing this, you will be able to better engage with the insurance agent and have the information they will need.
  2. After the damage occurs, make sure to document everything you can. Take pictures of the hail, visual damage, and anything that could be relevant to the insurance claim process. It's also beneficial to go ahead and get a quote on how much it will cost to repair the damage. Doing this as quickly as possible will help move the claim along.
  3. It's vital that you follow all insurance procedures. Failing to comply with their rules could result in a denied claim. By making sure you have all of the necessary documentation and proof, you give yourself a better chance of having your roof damage covered. 

Protect Your Roof

The best thing you can do is protect your roof to avoid any preventable roof damage. By getting a yearly inspection, making sure your roof is free of debris, and trimming trees that are touching your roof, you could stop damage before it happens. Learn more about things that could endanger your roof here. 

Working out the details of your insurance claim can be frustrating, but at Trotter Roofing and Gutters, we take pride in assisting our customers with every step of the process. We can provide documentation for the damage and cost of repair, talk to your insurance agent, and give you direction on how to move forward with the claim as efficiently as possible. A damaged roof is never convenient, but we make every effort to make sure it doesn't interfere with your life as much as possible. 

If you ever experience roof damage, refer back to this blog and contact Trotter Roofing and Gutters!