By Trotter Roofing on Thursday, 30 June 2022
Category: Uncategorized

Replacing Windows Doesn’t Have to be a Pane

Found in almost every room of the home, windows are one of the biggest factors in your home's comfort levels and energy costs. Most homeowners know that leaving a window slightly open can lead to a spike in the energy bill, but did you know that over time your windowpanes can become deteriorated and less energy efficient – even if you've never opened them! Knowing what to look for in your windows can not only keep your home looking better but can also keep your utility costs down.

Your Windows' Lifespan

Residential windows have an average lifespan of 15-30 years, and with Georgia's ranging climate, your windows are experiencing decades of humidity, heat, and precipitation. Over time, this can lead to the seals on your windows warping, cracking, and even leaking. If you have an older home, it's likely your windows are only single pane, lasting up to only 15 years, making them less efficient than modern double-pane window models.

Signs for Replacement

These are some of the signs to look for around each room in your home to see if your windows are holding up the way they should:

  • Pane Damage: One of the most obvious signs of damage can be cracked or broken glass on a window in your home. This leaves your property and family susceptible to the elements on the other side, mildew, and even pests.
  • Condensation: If you are noticing condensation build up on the inside of your windows is a tell-tale sign of your home leaking outdoor air in and becoming humid. Noticing condensation between two panes can be a sign of a bad seal and can usually be replaced by the manufacturer's warranty.
  • Heating & Air Costs: Seeing your heating and air bill rise is a common indicator of inefficient home insulation, and your windows can be the most susceptible to letting air in or out. Your HVAC system will be working harder than it needs to with outdated windows and can really be a pain on your wallet in the long run.
  • Furniture & Carpet: Noticing fading in the furniture and carpeted areas around windows in your home can be a sign that your windows aren't equipped with Low-E Glass (low emissivity). Low-E windows are coated in metallic oxide. This invisible coating allows natural through and blocks UV rays and infrared light. Low-E is common in modern window technology and any windows in your home without it should be replaced.

Easy Replacement

Regular window inspections and replacement is important for keeping your home's entryways sealed properly and efficiently. The U.S. Department of Energy estimates that Georgians can save hundreds of dollars a year when having the right windows for their home! Among your regular windows, other items such as garage doors, bay windows, and your front and back doors are all places where air can sneak in or out. If you notice any signs you may be letting your money slip out the window, call Trotter Roofing today to learn about having your windows replaced and maintained for years to come!