By Trotter Roofing on Friday, 09 September 2022
Category: Trotter Roofing Blogs

Identifying 5 Types of Shingle Damage

Damage to your roof is often due to one of two things: Mother Nature just running her course, or your roof showing its age. Either way, it's important to know what type of damage your shingles might be suffering in order to know what next steps you should take.

With Trotter Roofing & Gutters, we're here to make your roofing repair or replacement as smooth as possible. So, if you're feeling the scary effects of a pop-up hailstorm, or just starting to realize it might be time to replace your whole roof, our team is here to help.

1. Thunderstorm Damage

One of the most common ways of identifying shingle damage comes from feeling or seeing the effects weather has on your home. If you're home during a severe thunderstorm, or perhaps come home after one has passed you might glance around your yard hoping not to see any shingles on the lawn.

2. Blistering

Blisters can sometimes be found on shingles that were either manufactured poorly, installed poorly, or are just showing their age. They can be identified by their 'raised dimple' look which is often confused for hail damage. Noticing those raised dimples during a period of little to no rainfall can be a sure sign of blistering.

3. Hail Damage

When hail falls people often worry about their exposed vehicles, but hail can also bring damage to your roof's shingles. While the average hail stone cannot pierce your roof, it can damage the asphalt granules and allow tiny cracks for moisture to enter. Most hail damage won't cause a raised surface like blisters, but actually will scrape and remove the granules that play a big part in keeping your home safe.

4. Cracking

Shingle cracking occurs when the shingles continuously reach a temperature higher than they should, which is rare unless you have defective shingles. Defective shingles will show premature signs of deterioration and can leave you susceptible to water damage. Check out our blog on defective shingles to see if your home is in desperate need of an upgrade.

5. Curling 

Sometimes called fish mouthing, curling shingles are another type of damage that can be a sign of defective shingles. This occurs when the corners of the shingle curl up, which can lead to water build up putting your home at risk of leaks or algae build up. For more information on discontinued shingles, head to our website to see the full breakdown.

We Work with Insurance

When it comes to home damage, insurance can come into play at some point. Other roofing companies can push you to deal with insurance before you need to, leading you to file a claim that can be denied and jack up your rates.

At Trotter Roofing, we will give you an honest estimate on the state of your roof, letting you know if a claim is really worth filing. If you have questions about roof or shingle damage, or how we work with insurance, contact Trotter Roofing & Gutters today.