By Trotter Roofing on Friday, 13 August 2021
Category: Trotter Roofing Blogs

How to Prepare Your Home for Fall: Roofer’s Edition

Without even knowing it, fall has quickly snuck up on us. It's such a fun season with the air turning cooler and the excitement of all of the holidays that are on their way. Though we're all suckers for the vibrant leaves that beautifully fall off of trees and onto the ground, there are some things that come with fall that aren't quite as exciting – especially for roofers. Nonetheless, it's a wonderful time of year, and these are some of the things you can do to prepare for it. 

1. Unclog gutters 

Leaves are about to be falling left and right, which means your gutters will quickly fill up. Start fall on the right foot by making sure your gutters are empty before the leaves get too bad. This will make it easier for you to keep up with once the peak of fall is reached. Need to know the importance of cleaning out your gutters? Check out our blog, What Kind of Damage Can Clogged Gutters Cause? 

2. Install Gutter Guards 

If you hate cleaning out your gutters, we have a solution for you! Many people have gutter guards installed, which significantly minimizes how often you need to clean your gutters. If you need more reasons, check out the 5 Reasons to Invest in Gutter Guards. If this isn't an option for you yet, keep in mind that Trotter Roofing and Gutters offers gutter cleaning services in Woodstock, Georgia. By investing in these services, you can save thousands on roof damages that can be caused by clogged gutters. 

3. Check for Drafts 

Have you noticed a draft around your windows and/or doors? This is something you will want to address before it gets too cold. Not only is it uncomfortable for you, but it is also likely to run up your electric bill because of an extra need for heat. If you find that your windows and doors actually are letting in air, give us a call so we can recommend more energy-efficient options. 

4. Dispose of Debris

Just like you should clean your gutters to remove leaves, you also need to make sure that your roof is clear of any debris that could harm your roof or land in your gutters. It's important to also look around your home and see if there are any branches that could harm your home in case of winds. Clearing your home of these threats will help keep everything in good shape through the fall.

5. Identify Any Damage 

Summers can bring intense storms! While you're completing the above tasks, check your roof for any signs of damage. This is a great time to identify any potential issues and work towards getting them repaired before they get out of control. You can do a quick inspection by giving your roof a look over or you can call us for a roof inspection. 

By taking care of these tasks at the beginning of the fall, you can create space to enjoy the season instead of constantly worrying about full gutters or potential damage from winds. Though you'll still have to monitor your gutters, this is a great start. Get outdoors, take in the fresh air, and have a great fall!